easy to fall in love

I wish it were easy to fall in love. It used to be natural, not something that had to be a far off distant phenomenon. I find myself so lonely so often. Not miserable or anything. Just wanting the company of... someone... my counterpart in female form. Surely that can't be too much to ask.


to jump, fall, and fly

So, I am of the strong conviction that nothing I am about to say will make sense...

I can't decide if I am in the best place I could be or the worst. Or maybe its both? I guess nothing is really as clean cut as anyone would hope. Amanda just tought me how to iron. I... um... am about to read about time travel to put me to sleep. I feel like I'm on drugs. Interesting...

I hope I don't read this later. If you are reading this, Jacob, or anyone else, I dearly apologize. I'll try not to do it again. Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about. I'd love to do it again. In fact I said that I would! I need that roadmap wherever it may say I have come from... This is just another marker on the way...


where i find myself

I can't help but feel slightly nerd-esque for not only signing up for a "blog," but for actually using it. I'm not sure I know the reason. I only feel a slight inclination, as it is, to take verbal snapshots of my life and create a collage of nonsense available to the entire human race... and maybe aliens. Something, though, tells me that I might appreciate it at a later date. I need some sort of backwards roadmap for my life reminding me from whence I came. If this is it, then amen. Maybe it will last...